Kettlebell Training

Kettlebell Training

ThaiFight Kettlebell classes offer a unique and effective workout experience that combines the benefits of kettlebell training with the techniques of Muay Thai boxing. Participants can expect to improve their strength, endurance, flexibility, and overall fitness while learning new skills and techniques. Kettlebell training has been proven to increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, and improve cardiovascular health, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to get in shape and improve their overall health and wellbeing. Joining ThaiFight Kettlebell classes can help individuals achieve their fitness goals and improve their quality of life.

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Are you using kettlebells correctly?

February 29, 20242 min read

How to us kettlebells correctly?

Kettlebells have become increasingly popular in recent years as a versatile and effective tool for strength and conditioning. However, it is important to use kettlebells correctly in order to avoid injury and get the full benefit of this powerful training method.

At StrongFirst, we believe that strength is a skill that can be developed through consistent practice and proper technique. Our approach to kettlebell training emphasizes safety, efficiency, and effectiveness.

One of the most fundamental kettlebell exercises is the swing. To perform a proper swing, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding the kettlebell with both hands between your legs. Hinge at the hips while keeping your back straight and push your hips forward to propel the weight up towards chest height. Keep your arms relaxed throughout the movement and let momentum do most of the work. As you lower the bell back down between your legs, hinge at the hips again rather than bending at the knees.

Kettlebell training, kettlebell swing, TGU, Goblet squat, thaifight kettlebell

Another essential exercise is called Turkish Get-Up (TGU). This full-body movement requires coordination, stability, mobility, strength endurance – all qualities necessary for functional fitness activities like lifting heavy objects or performing athletic movements like sprinting or jumping high into air.

To perform TGU: lie on one side with bent knee; press a kettlebell overhead using opposite hand; roll onto elbow then hand on same side as bell; lift hip off floor so only arm & foot are touching ground; sweep other leg behind body & plant foot firmly on ground; bridge body off floor until torso forms vertical line from head-to-heel; slide rear leg under front body & kneel next to front foot

Finally goblet squat is another great exercise which helps improve flexibility in ankles hips shoulders spine teaches you how maintain tension thoracic region during deep squats

To perform goblet squat: hold ketteblell close chest level keep elbows tucked near ribcage descend slowly into deep squat position pushing knees outwards while keeping chest up; pause at bottom of squat, then drive back up through heels and hips to standing position.

In conclusion, kettlebells are a fantastic tool for building strength, endurance, and mobility. However, it is important to use them correctly in order to avoid injury and get the full benefit of this powerful training method. At StrongFirst we emphasize safety, efficiency and effectiveness in our approach to kettlebell training. By practicing proper technique with exercises like the swing, TGU and goblet squat you can develop your strength as a skill that will serve you well both inside and outside the gym.

Swing safe

Hopefully see you on the mat or an online training routine

Attila Varga

kettlebell basic, kettlebell swingkettlebell TGUhow to use kettlebellsThaifight Kettlebell
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Attila Varga

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Kettlebell Training